Production Updates – Part 1

First of all, thank you! The support was amazing and I am so excited to get you your gauge.
You can expect these updates every two weeks until the gauges get to your door. I will give you any updates to the manufacturing process and new features that I'm adding in the mean time. I'm planning on having some fun new features for you to install by the time you get your gauge :)
Manufacturing Updates
Happy Lunar New Year! What that means is my manufacturing is closed until Feb 5th. I have finalized my quantities and am ready to place my order for the sensors, gauges, and shirts. This is the first time the manufacturer is going through the full assembly line process so it's a little slower the first run as they create SOPs and instructions for assembly.
Feature Updates
Now that pre-order is over I'll be focusing on OBDII and canbus support and then likely on some updates to allow for changing the font that is used for the number display and additional multi-sensor layouts.
If you are looking to add on an OBDII adapter to your order when it's ready respond to this email so I can get a sense of how many people are looking to buy from this gauge run :)
That's all for now, I'll talk to you in 2 weeks or on IG, or Discord.